
Courses Offered

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Courses Offered

We offer a whole array of courses to produce the best students in every industry. All you have to do is choose a door and we will help you walk through it.


The courses offered by the Institute:

Sr. No Course Name Medium Intake
1. Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) English 60
2. Bachelor of Mass Media(B.A.M.M) Marathi 120
3. Bachelor of Science In Information Technology (B.Sc.IT) English 60
4. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) English 120
5. Bachelor of Science Home Science (Food Science & Nutrition) English 120
6. Master Of Science In Computer Science (M.Sc.CS) English 60
7. Master Of Science In Microbiology (M.Sc Micro) English 60
8. Master Of Science In Analytical Chemistry (M.Sc AC) English 60