Readers and Visitors are requested not to bring their belongings to the Library.
The readers should maintain strict discipline and Silence in the Library.
Mobile phones and other loud electronic gazettes are strictly prohibited inside library premises.
The library rules and regulations shall be modified from time to time and shall be binding on all concerned.
An overdue charge of Rs. 1 per day shall be charged against each Book / Document not returned within the due date.
A Document (Book) Issued may be renewed up to 2 times provided there is no reservation against it.
A document may be recalled before the due date if required urgently in the Library.
Members proceeding on extended leave or discontinued, etc., exceeding three months should return the borrowed document, before leaving the institution they will be issued No-Dues Certificate if required and applied for.
Certain documents are intended to be used only in the library. These include some textbooks, rare books, current and bound periodicals, etc.
Borrowers are requested to check if the documents being borrowed are complete and if all pages are included. In case of defect or damage in the book, it should be brought to the notice of the library staff.
Borrowers are responsible for the documents they borrow that are lost, torn, or damaged (tearing of pages, underlining, making notes damaging of binding and the like), which shall attract severe action and replacement of document concern.
In exceptional cases, the Library may authorize the issue of any document mentioned under rule 6 above to a library member.
If a document is not returned within eight days of its due date, it shall be treated as lost, and action shall be initiated to recover the cost of the document as per the rules.
Newly arrived documents shall be displayed, and documents on display shall be issued only after a specified period.
“For Enhance your knowledge, reach the library and Stay with Books.”